All-China Women’s Federation Delegation Training Report 全国妇联培训团报道At the invitation and arrangement of the USCEC, Director Shuhui Cui from Office of Aging Committee led 25 delegates from All-China...
国资委斯坦福培训报告SASAC Training Center Delegation completed a 3-week training under the arrangement of USCEC and Stanford SCPD where a series of seminars...
Chongqing Municipal Government Took Training Programs on Cultural Industry & Media Development i2012年10月17日,“重庆市宣传部文化产业与传媒发展”研修班在美国加州圣何塞州立大学新闻与传媒学院揭开了帷幕。来自重庆市的22位文化及传媒界骨干在大学学习了美国文化产业及传媒发展的管理及发展,并与美国知名文化产业单位的同行进行了深层次的交流。...