USCEC Organizes California School District Delegation to Visit Beijing美中交流协会组织美国有关教委代表团访问中国北京From June 18th to June 24th, 2018, invited by the USCEC, the directors and principals of a prestigious school district in California,...
“Food Inspection & Testing Information and Big Data Application”2019 Delegation of Guizhou Acade2019年12月,应美国美中交流协会的邀请, 贵州省分析测试研究院组织的“大数据视角下食品供应链的系统安全性研究”培训团抵达美国旧金山和波士顿进行为期14天的培训。 美中交流协会根据代表团的培训主题,精心安排了斯坦福大学教授、麻省理工大学教授、加州大学戴维斯分校教授、加州金...
"The Global Teacher Program Kicked Started" 境外实习对国际化教师培养的重要意义“Will the overseas training program can influence the development of global teachers?” This is the theme of the program that is...