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China Merchants Group Training Program in Harvard & MIT 招商局集团2018哈佛麻省理工学院高管培训团
China Merchants Group-a global Fortune 500 and 146-year old state-owned enterprise had organized their second top executive training in...
China Merchants Group Training Program Completes Successfully 招商局集团 一带一路领军人才“创新发展能力研修”高管培训班圆满落幕
China Merchants Group, a 145-year-old state owned enterprise sent out a training group of 23 top leaders from its headquarters and...
SASAC of the State Council Training “国务院国有资产监督管理委员会中青班圆满结束
In September, invited by U.S.-China Exchange Council and organized by China Business Executive Academy Dalian, top young managers from...
USCEC Hosted SASAC Delegation in SF Bay Area 国资委中青班第七期美国培训团
SASAC’s annual training delegation consisting of most promising middle to top managers from various Chinese state-owned enterprises...
SASAC Delegation Completes another Rewarding Training Program organized by USCEC 第六期国资委中央企业中青年高级管理人员
SASAC sent out a training group of 20 executives from large state-owned enterprises covering all industries including energy,...
CRRC Qingdao Sifang Delegation Arrives in Sillicon Valley for "Innovation and Leadership"
The CCRC Qingdao Sifang delegation, consisting 14 executives from China's biggest railcar manufacturer, arrives in Silicon Valley earlier...
SINOMACH Executive Training Completed Successfully 中国机械工业集团有限公司赴美培训项目圆满结束
On a beautiful November day, the 2016 training group for SINOMACH executives completed after two weeks learning at UC Berkeley and...
CRRC Sifang Qingdao Corporate Management Training 中国中车集团青岛四方公司赴美培训团项目圆满结束
At the invitation of USCEC, 14 well selected middle managers from CRRC Sifang Qingdao Co., Ltd came to the San Francisco Bay Area for a...
USCEC Hosts Nanshan Development Corporation Training Group 中国南山开发(集团)股份有限公司高管硅谷培训团
Executives from Nanshan Development Corporation headquartered in Shenzhen were in the Silicon Valley for a 14-day training in July 2018....
SinoMach “Smart Manufacturing and Scientific and Technological Innovation" Training Program
中国机械工业集团有限公司“智能制造与科技创新领军人才"培训顺利完成 In September, invited by U.S.-China Exchange Council, the delegation from China Machinery Corporation...
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