Hunan Province Organization Department Delegation Visited Silicon Valley & Boston to for InnovatHosted by USCEC, 24 officials from local governments in Hunan Province, China visited Silicon Valley and Boston to see and learn the...
Beijing Municipal Organization Department Delegation Visited Silicon Valley & Boston to for Hosted by USCEC, 25 officials from local governments in Beijing Municipal, China visited Silicon Valley and Boston to see and learn the...
2018 Department of Household Surveys of NBS “U.S. Household Survey and Administrative Records Applic2018年9月,中国国家统计局组织了为期15天的“住户调查及相关行政记录应用情况“主题的培训团。 美中交流协会与中国国家统计局紧密合作共同筹划安排了高度针对性的的两周学习参访。在华盛顿期间,向联邦政府,智库,大学等深度学习统计方法方式与应用场景及技术挑战。在洛杉矶地区访问了...
Nanjing Municipal Organization Department Delegation Visited Silicon Valley & Boston to Learn InHosted by USCEC, 25 officials from local governments in Nanjing City, China visited Silicon Valley and Boston to see and learn the...
Xiamen Bureau of Quality and Technology Supervision Delegation Arrives in the Bay Area 中国厦门市质量技术监督局代The delegates from Xiamen Bureau of Quality and Technology, hosted by the USCEC, arrived in the San Francisco Bay Area. The delegates...
2010 Jiangsu Province Delegation Study Technology & Entrepreneurship in Stanford 中国江苏省企业创新与科技发展代由美国斯坦福大学邀请和主办美国旧金山美中交流协 会协办的 “中国江苏创新与科技发展代表团”于 2010 年 1 月前来美国斯坦福大学进行了专业培训和考察,取得了圆满 成功。来自中国最发达地区的江苏省创新与科技发展代表团 包括省产、学、研三方的杰出代表,即江苏知名企业的高层...
China's First Delegation on Open Source Software Technology Visits the U.S. 中国首批开源软件技术师资培训班赴美国培训为加强国家Linux技术培训与推广中心各有关高校的师资队伍建设,进一步推动开源软件在我国的发展和充分发挥开源软件在提升我国软件产业自主创新能力的作用,在国家外国专家局的资助下,中国国际人才交流基金会和北京大学共同组织开源软件技术骨干教师于2008年7月3日启程赴美进行为期9...