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SASAC US Training Report 中国国有资产监督管理委员会赴美培训报告

At the invitation of USCEC, a 25-delegate training group arrived in the U.S. on September 8, 2010 and conducted a 21-day training on state-owned asset rights management and legal system establishment as well as anti-bribery practices and business ethical conducts and conflict of interest prevention. For their learning, USCEC has arranged visits to Transparency International, US Office of Government Ethics, Fortune 500 including HPE and Cisco as well as PG&E to learn about specific practices in anti-bribery and business ethics while partnering with governments. The delegation also visited California Attorney General’s office and LA Countywide Criminal Justice Coordination Committee and Planning Department of Huntington Beach to learn about laws and regulations guiding public-owned land trade and lease. The 3-week training has taught the group a lot in not only the whole legal system but also specific practices in the U.S. in terms of anti-bribery and ethical conduct guidance.

应美国旧金山美中交流协会的邀请与安排,由国务院国资委监察局廉政室应红主任率中国国有资产监督管理委员会代表团一行25人于2010年9月8日至9月27日,赴美国进行为期21天的培训活动。该团此次赴美是为学习和了解美国国有资产的产权管理与法规建设;美国政府与企业反商业贿赂法规的管理与实施;美国政府官员在商业交易中的职业操守与行为规范等。根据专业活动的要求,美中交流协会安排代表团首先访问了美国联邦公务员道德委员会,了解美国政府官员在商业交易中的职业操守与行为规范、联邦政府公务员廉政制度的执行、预防和教育。其次,代表团访问了世界透明政府组织的美国总部,学习美国政府如何与世界合作促进政府反腐与国际经济发展。在旧金山大都会地区,美中交流协会安排代表团访问了世界500强企业—惠普和思科公司,了解美国企业在生产、经营、采购方面的监督,并访问了太平洋煤气电了公司(PG&E), 深入了解美国企业反商业贿赂法规的管理与实施。同时,代表团还到加州行政总署国有资产管理处进行培训,学习美国国有资产的产权管理与法规建设;加州州府机关资产管理监督、交易职业操守与行为规范。此外,代表团也访问了加州总检查长办公室,了解商业贿赂的预防、控制、国际反腐案件的调查与处理。在洛杉矶大都会地区,代表团访问了洛杉矶郡刑事司法协调委员会,学习如何预防贿赂的合同政策、以及反贿赂的法律规定。另外,代表团还访问了亨廷顿海滩市的规划局,了解该市国有土地的规划与销售法规。


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