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Shanghai Enterprise Executives Training on Innovation & Management 上海市企业高管赴美“创新管理高级研修班”

Over 20 enterprise executives from Shanghai came to the San Francisco Bay Area for training sessions on Innovation & management arranged by USCEC in May 2014. They had in-depth meetings with top business leaders in green energy, 3D printing and learned about innovation and management best practices in Silicon Valley shared by Stanford speakers and seasoned practitioners from whom the executives learned the latest management methodology and innovation mindset which they said were very inspiring.



培训结束后,研修班学员反映通过这次培训,使他们了解了美国创新经济的发展现状以及美国企业的创新思维和先进的管理; 使他们能够站在新的战略高度、放眼新的战略视角、运用新的战略思维,以创新突破的观念和思路,解决原有企业管理的问题。企业管理者们纷纷表示,回国后将研修中的收获与自身企业结合,静心思考,勇于实践,必将对企业今后的发展起到积极的作用。

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