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News Letter for 2020 USCEC Board Meeting 美国美中交流协会理事会报道

On February 5, 2020, the United States – China Exchange Council (USCEC) held the 2019 Semi‐Annual Board Meeting in the USCEC headquarter. The meeting was presided by Chairman, Dr. Herb Graw, the Former Vice President of the California State University at East Bay. Dr. Andy Ge, the Vice President reviewed the various training programs and achievements that USCEC has completed in 2019 and the work prospects for 2020. With the strong and generous supports of the Board of directors, the USCEC has successfully hosted training groups from the Central and Municipal level governments, SASAC Enterprises and universities, the elementary to high school educators, and etc. After the training groups returned to China, they gave the highest recognitions to USCEC for the professionalism and arrangements on the program. Due to the impact of the Trade War in 2019, the business of USCEC has dropped significantly compared to previous years. However, USCEC is working hard and actively developing new businesses and exploring new opportunities to cope with the current changing situation. In 2020, we believe, with supports of USCEC Board of directors, our council can overcome difficulties and achieve greater accomplishments.

2020 年 2 月 5 日上午,美国美中交流协会 2019 年下半年度理事会在协会总 部成功召开。会议由协会现任会长,前加州州立大学常务副校长贺勃.格罗博士主 持。由副会长葛滨博士回顾了 2019 年协会完成的各项工作任务和成就,以及对 2020 年的工作展望。协会在理事会和理事会成员的大力支持下,成功接待了中国 有关部委和市委、国资委企业以及教育领域等团队。各团队回国后,对协会的专业 和安排均给予了最高的肯定和认可。2019 年由于中美贸易战等因素,协会的业务 受到相当的影响。因而协会团队积极努力探索新的思路和发展新的业务,从容应对 当前变化万千的局势。协会理事会全体成员相信,2020 年协会能克服难关,再创 辉煌!

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