CRRC Sifang Qingdao Corporate Management Training 中国中车集团青岛四方公司赴美培训团项目圆满结束

At the invitation of USCEC, 14 well selected middle managers from CRRC Sifang Qingdao Co., Ltd came to the San Francisco Bay Area for a 2-week training in innovation and transformation. During their stay, they visited Intel, Ericsson, HPE and had in-depth lectures at SRI and other top institutions in Silicon Valley. The group leader expressed their great gratitude for the wonderful arrangement which offers an eye-opening trip and directions for future management and transformation.
2017年8月, 中国中车集团青岛四方公司代表团一行14人,受美国美中协会的邀请, 抵达加州硅谷开始了为期两周的“创新领导力与转型”培训。在两周期间,代表团在斯坦福大学听资深创新教授授课,参访了爱立信公司,惠普和 英特尔等高科技企业和创新加速器,并和硅谷连续创业者进行了面对面的交流。这样的设计,让代表团 全方位的学习,体验和考察了创新的思维转换, 硅谷最前沿的科技,硅谷创新生态系统和创新的做法。
短短的两周时间很快过去,代表团表示此行收获颇丰。 团长更在闭营仪式上致辞:“感谢美中协会的精心安排, 让我们一行深入地感受到了硅谷的创新精神与步伐,颇具启发性。”