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Welcome to USCEC  


United States-China Exchange Council (USCEC) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization registered in California. Since the establishment in 1993, we have been dedicated to fostering meaningful professional exchanges between the United States and China.



美国美中交流协会是在加州注册的非盈利组织。自1993年成立以来, 致力于创建有效平台,促进美中专业交流的开展。


Our Story


Dr. Byron Athan, the founding mayor of the city of San Ramon, who was Chairman of the U.S.-China Exchange Council for many years, was born in San Francisco in 1918. As a young man, Byron witnessed the building of our beautiful & beloved Golden Gate Bridge. He recalled his fascination while watching the process of spinning the two main suspension cables one wire at a time. Over 80,000 miles of wire were spun together to form one strong cable to suspend the entire bridge. One day, while thinking about his old childhood memories, it occurred to him that the many friendships formed between our visiting Chinese and Americans - one friendship at a time - is similar to the building of a strong bridge one wire at a time. Over the years, US.-China Exchange Council has built a strong bridge of friendship between our two countries - because of the many friendships formed over time, one by one!

美国美中交流协会的前会长拜伦. 雅典博士曾亲眼目睹了旧金山地标——金门大桥的建成。 他记得小时候坐在岸边, 看着一艘小船拉着一根钢缆,顶着大风,颤颤巍巍地从此岸拉到彼岸,过了一会儿,又把另一根钢缆从彼岸拉回此岸,不停穿梭来回,终于把一根根钢缆组合成粗壮的吊索使宏伟的大桥展现在世人眼前。这一幕深深地印在了雅典会长的脑海里。 很多年之后, 他已经担任了美国美中交流协会的会长, 当他想起了这个儿时回忆,突然明白了这一幕就象征着协会的工作:每一次中国代表团和美国代表团的互访,就如同相互拉起一条友情的钢缆。很多条友情的钢缆加在一起, 就拉起了一座宏伟的友谊桥梁。金门大桥一共使用了八万英里长的钢缆。今天,她是湾区主要的跨海大桥,每天承载了千万辆的车辆来往。 美国美中交流协会, 多年来致力于中美两国的文化和专业交流, 并将继续兢兢业业地为中美友谊的宏伟大桥增加链接的钢缆。​​















Health Care






Communicating - Knowing - Understanding - Cooperating - Win-win

交流 –了解 – 理解 – 合作 – 双赢

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