The U.S.-China International Education Center is a subsidiary of the USCEC, a non-profit organization founded in California in 1993. With three presidents over the years, the Association's main policy is to develop friendly relations between the U.S. and China and promote international exchange activities. Its members are primarily American experts, professors, scholars, government officials, and business entrepreneurs, with honorary members from all walks of life in China. The Association has established extensive social ties and has abundant social resources in the U.S. educational community, government, and business sectors. The U.S.-China International Education Center is directly led by the Association's highly qualified Board of Directors, which includes experts and professors engaged in U.S.-China exchange programs.
美国美中国际教育中心隶属于美国美中交流协会。美国美中交流协会 于1993年在美国加利福尼亚依法注册,成为美国加州非营利组织。协会成立20年来,在三任会长(迈克.尼尔生律师、美国圣瑞蒙前市长拜伦.雅典律师、加州海沃州立大学前常务副校长赫伯.格罗博士)的领导下,遵循发展美中友好关系的基本方针, 发挥桥梁纽带作用, 促进美中两国工商界, 科技界, 文教界, 金融界, 法律界, 新闻界, 政府部门以及社会各界的国际交流活动, 以沟通信息, 促进了解, 发展合作, 增进友谊为目的。协会与美国主流社会紧密结合,会员主要由美国专家教授学者、美国各级政府官员、美国工商企业家等组成, 荣誉会员包括中国各界友好人士。协会在美国东西海岸均设有业务联络机构, 在中国和加拿大亦设有办事联络机构。 美中国际教育中心是由协会理事会直接领导,成员包括美国市政府律师、曾主管加州大学教育的大学副校长和长期从事美中交流项目的专家教授等,形成了高素质的运作团队和高效率的操作方式。同时协会在二十多年的交流活动中建立了广泛的社会联系,在美国教育界,各级政府以及工商企业界拥有丰厚的社会资源。
In 2018, the USCEC collaborated with school districts to host a unique Internship Exchange Program for education-major students from Capital Normal University in Beijing, China. The program spanned over 4 weeks and was carefully designed and coordinated by USCEC. Its objective was to provide the interns with a comprehensive understanding of the K-12 education system, instruction methods, and teacher-student dynamics prevalent in the San Francisco Bay Area. Apart from acquiring valuable knowledge and perspectives, the interns also forged strong bonds of friendship with young people from the United States, fostering lasting relationships between the two countries. The Internship Exchange Program proved to be a mutually beneficial opportunity for all involved, facilitating cross-cultural learning and promoting global understanding.
从2018 年开始, 美国美中交流协会和中国首都示范大学联合组织了教育系研究生赴美实习项目。通过四周的学习和实习, 首师大教育系研究生们深入地了解了美国的K-12系统,教育理念、方法和师生互动。并且,和旧金山湾区的名校学生老师们缔结了珍贵的友谊。
We pride ourselves on designing and delivering exchange programs that are both interesting and inspiring, providing Chinese and U.S. students with an opportunity to learn about each other's language and culture. Our programs are carefully crafted to foster new friendships and enable students to explore the world together.
2003年,美国美中交流协会成立国际教育中心,专门从事两国学生教育友好交流的工作。 通过与美国当 地教委、学校及美国家庭的良好信任合作关系,秉持着缔结中美孩子友谊桥梁的精神,完成了近百个高质量的学生交流项目,得到了中方学校的一致好评。促成了美国和中国文化,教育的深层次了解和交流。