China Food and Drug Administration “Food Inspection System and Methods” Training Group 国家食品药品监管总局“食品Under the arrangement of the USCEC, 22 delegates from China Food and Drug Administration came to the U.S. for a 14-day training program...
USCEC Facilitates California Senate Delegation's Visit to China Ministry of Health USCEC促进美国加州参2009 年 11 月,为促进中医药(跌打骨伤科)在美国加利福尼亚州的合法化,使中华民族宝贵的文化遗产造福于更多的人类,美国加州参议院执行副主席勒若迪. 余博士应中国卫生部中医药局的邀请,率 29 人考察团前往中国北京、河南、广东和海南等地,进行为期 10...