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Teacher Internship 教师实习
Starting 2018, USCEC hosted, along with school districts, the education- major students from Capital Normal University from Beijing, China for Internship Exchange Program in the San Francisco Bay Area. Through the 4-week program, designed and coordinated by USCEC, interns gain knowledge and perspectives on the K-12 education system, instruction methods, and teacher-students dynamics in the San Francisco Bay Area. Best of all, the friendship formed will be lasting and growing between the young people of the two countries.
从2018 年开始, 美国美中交流协会和中国首都示范大学联合组织了教育系研究生赴美实习项目。通过四周的学习和实习, 首师大教育系研究生们深入地了解了美国的K-12系统,教育理念、方法和师生互动。并且,和旧金山湾区的名校学生老师们缔结了珍贵的友谊。
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