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USCEC Chairwoman Visited Central Academy of Culture & Art Tourism Administration 美国美中交流协会理事长一行赴我

On the afternoon of November 15th, 2017, USCEC Vice Chairwoman Ms. Willa Wu and Professor Dr. Andy B. Ge visited the Central Academy of Culture & Art Tourism Administration, welcomed by Vice President of the Academy Mr. Zhouwu Duan and Ms. JIngxia Han. Both sides discussed overseas training programs for high level managements in China theaters nationwide. The “National Theater Senior Management Talent Training Program” is pilot project in a 5-year plan supported by both the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Culture & Art Tourism. The two parties conducted in-depth discussion in terms of partnership and specifics to deliver the programs and exchanged views on possible problems and contingency plans to be put in place.

2017年 11月15日下午,美国美中交流协会伍微娜副理事长、加州圣何塞州立大学葛滨教授等一行三人专程来到我院,就全国剧院高级经营管理人才研修项目境外研修事宜进行了洽商。段周武副院长和韩敬霞处长参加了会谈活动。





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