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About   关于我们

Founded in 1993, United States-China Exchange Council (USCEC) is a non-profit organization registered in the State of California, tax exempt determined by IRS under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.


Under the leadership of our 2nd Hon. Chairman Byron Athen, Chief City Attorney and former Mayor of San Ramon City, USCEC has been fostering mutual and deep understanding the U.S. and of China through professional exchange programs.  


USCEC has since arranged hundreds of training/visit programs, through which delegations from China's public and private sectors meet with their counterparts in government agencies, academic institutions, and companies in the U.S.


Since 1999, USCEC has been certified as Chinese Government Training Partners in the U.S. by State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs,  the China Central Government Agency which manages and regulates government training programs



For more than 20 years, USCEC has made great strides in promoting Sino-US friendly exchanges. Thus USCEC leader was invited to both receptions where President Hu Jintao (San Francisco, 2004) and President Xi Jinping (Seattle, 2015) met with Chinese leaders in the USA. 







中华人民共和国主席习近平与在美华侨华人代表合影 2015年9月23日 西雅图.jpg
Our Mission   我们的使命

U.S.-China Exchange Council is to build an effective platform for professional exchanges between the United States and China. We are dedicated to mutual understanding, friendship, and cooperation between the people, the governments, and the companies of the U.S. and China. 

交流 –了解 – 理解 – 合作 – 双赢

Chairmen & Board of Directors  会长与理事会

Message from the Chairman   会长致辞

Dear Friends, 


I have been associated with the U.S-China Exchange Council for more than 15 years.  During that time, I have been fortunate to take part in its growth from its founding in 1993 to its present status as a vibrant organization that hosts over 700 professionals and students in more than 30 programs each year.  

The programs vary from week-long visits to Bay Area campuses and industries to 4 to 6 month stays that incorporate trips to government and business sites throughout the country, including Washington, D.C. 

The participants may be specialists from Chinese governmental agencies such as the Ministry of Transportation or the Emergency Management Office of the State Council of China.  Others represent non-governmental companies or centers studying innovations in continuing education or globalization strategy and innovation in the ecosystem. 

Additionally, the Council has developed youth programs that make it possible for high school age students to live in an American home and attend a high school in the Bay Area.  More than 120 youth participated in these programs in 2016. 

In addition to the academic and professional education that is a part of each USCEC program, each USCEC program enables a visitor to broaden his/her perspective of the United States and its varied population.  I thoroughly believe in and take pride in my connection with the USCEC, its operational philosophy, and programs.  And I wish it continued success for many years to come. 



Herb Graw

Honorary Chairman 

Dr. Herb Graw

3rd Chairman


Former Associate Vice President of California State University at Hayward

Our Chairmen   历任会长

Board of Directors   理事会成员













Dr. Herbert Graw

Ms. Willa S. Wu

Dr. Andy B Ge

Mr. Stephen Lau

Ms. Sheila Watt

Mr. James Serna III

Mr. Gordon Watt

Mr. Frank Fang

Mr. Kevin Watt

Ms. Lulu Ge

Ms. Julie Li

​Ms. Margaret Singson

Former Associate Vice President of California State University at Hayward

Chairwoman,  USCEC

Vice President, USCEC

Community Leader of San Francisco China Town

Former (retired) Controller, Automotive Sales Industry

Chief Advisor, International Education Exchange

Classified Senate Senator, Chabot College

Former Secretary of USCEC

Senior Manager, Dropbox

Former Director of Saks Fifth Avenue

Executive Administrator, USCEC


Chairman's Message  会长致辞

Certificate of Honor from Mayor Gavin Newson旧金山前市长、现加州州长盖文纽森表彰协会在中美交流中所作的贡献

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