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2018 Guangdong Provincial Publishing Group Training Program Completes Successfully “2018广东省出版集团“传统出版

Nanjing Municipal Organization Department Delegation Visited Silicon Valley & Boston to Learn In
Hosted by USCEC, 25 officials from local governments in Nanjing City, China visited Silicon Valley and Boston to see and learn the...

“Food Inspection & Testing Information and Big Data Application”2019 Delegation of Guizhou Acade
2019年12月,应美国美中交流协会的邀请, 贵州省分析测试研究院组织的“大数据视角下食品供应链的系统安全性研究”培训团抵达美国旧金山和波士顿进行为期14天的培训。 美中交流协会根据代表团的培训主题,精心安排了斯坦福大学教授、麻省理工大学教授、加州大学戴维斯分校教授、加州金...

2017 Human Resources Service Industry Development Training Completes Successfully 中国人力资源服务业发展培训顺利完成
China’s Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security delegation visited Seattle and the Washington D.C. Metro Area learned about the...

Nanjing Municipal Organization Department Delegation Visited Silicon Valley & Boston to for Inno
Hosted by USCEC, 25 officials from local governments in Nanjing City, China visited Silicon Valley and Boston to see and learn the...

Xiamen Bureau of Quality and Technology Supervision Delegation Arrives in the Bay Area 中国厦门市质量技术监督局代
The delegates from Xiamen Bureau of Quality and Technology, hosted by the USCEC, arrived in the San Francisco Bay Area. The delegates...

China Railway Corporation Delegation visited San Francisco Bay Area 中国铁路总公司代表团抵达美国学习铁路冷链物流
Hosted by USCEC, the China Railway Corporation delegation is the San Francisco Bay Area and Chicago to learn about cold chain logistics...

Ningbo Municipal Government Delegation Visits San Francisco Bay Area 宁波市政府“保险创新”代表团访问旧金山湾区
Invited by USCEC, Ningbo municipal government delegation visited San Francisco Bay Area on Sunday, August 13. Ningbo city is the pilot...

China Railway Corporation visited the U.S.中国铁路总公司“铁水联运最新发展“培训顺利完成
铁路总公司“铁水联运最新发展“培训顺利完成 In November, invited by U.S.-China Exchange Council, the delegation from China Railway Corporation arrived in the...

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