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All-China Women’s Federation Delegation Training Report 全国妇联培训团报道
At the invitation and arrangement of the USCEC, Director Shuhui Cui from Office of Aging Committee led 25 delegates from All-China...

Chongqing Municipal Government Took Training Programs on Cultural Industry & Media Development i

Training delegation on Anti-trust Legal System and Procedures from State Administration for Industry
A training delegation on anti-trust legal system and procedures from State Administration for Industry and Commerce of the People's...

The Delegation of the SASAC of the State Council Successfully Visited the United States 国务院国有资产监督管理委
Under the arrangement of the USCEC, the SASAC delegates visited the United States for a 21-day training program from August 10 to August...

Young leaders from Jinan City, Shandong Province completed the immersive 3-month learning sessions a
Young leaders from Jinan City, Shandong Province completed the immersive 3-month learning sessions at SJSU in 2011 with great experience...

The State Administration of Industry and Commerce Completed Training on Anti-trust Laws and Legal Pr
The State Administration of Industry and Commerce completed their training on anti-trust laws and legal procedures in Boston & Washington...

SASAC US Training Report 中国国有资产监督管理委员会赴美培训报告
At the invitation of USCEC, a 25-delegate training group arrived in the U.S. on September 8, 2010 and conducted a 21-day training on...

China Oversea Friendship Association Delegation Visited Local Governments in California中华海外联谊会公共行政管理
2010 年 8 月 29 日,由美国旧金山美中交流协会邀请的 24 名来自全国的省市级领导在中华海外联谊会副秘书长刘玉江的带领下,参加了为期三周的培训考察活动。代表团的成员来自北京、上海、河北、山东、辽宁、湖南等20 多个省市的市长、政协主席、法院院长、大学校长等。...

China Ministry of Enviromental Protection Delegation on Cross-regional Emergency Response to Environ
2010 年 5 月 30 日至 6 月 28 日,由美国美中交流协会邀请和安排, 中国环保部应急调查中心副主任张志敏先生率 20 人代表团访问美国。学习与交流美国跨流域跨区突发环境事件应急处理。代表团先后访问了联邦环保署应急办公室、联邦环保署西部第六区、加州环保厅有害物质...

Shenzhen Academy of Administration visited the U.S. 中国深圳市行政管理学院培训团访问美国
Shenzhen Academy of Administration visited the U.S. in Feb 2009 and had great meetings and exchanges with faculty from Santa Clara...

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