Leaders of Chongqing Colleges and Universities Study International Leadership for Higher Education iOn November 19, 2012, the President of San Jose State University, Dr. Qayoumi, and the Executive Vice President, Dr. Mark Novak, welcomed...
Primary School Leaders from Sichuan Province Visited the U.S. Achieved Fruitful Results 四川省中小学领导赴美培训From December 9 to 23, 2011, principals and teachers from 17 primary and secondary schools in Sichuan Province came to the U.S. for a...
China University of Mining and Technology "Scientific Management and Student Training" DelBeijing University of Mining & Technology delegation came to the San Francisco Bay Area and DC area, kicking off a second-time...
Chongqing Education Commission University Management Training Group Achieved Fruitful Results 重庆教委高On August 2, 2011, a group of 24 members from Chongqing Education Commission arrived in San Francisco for a three week training program....