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State Council of China Delegation "Emergency Management Training Program" 中国国务院“应急管理”代表团顺利


In September, invited by U.S.-China Exchange Council, The delegation from Emergency Management Office of the State Council of China visited the U.S. to learn about the best practice of emergency management. The delegation, consists of 22 delegates from emergency management from the central and local governments, visited emergency managements divisions in the Federal, State and local governments and non-profit organizations. The delegates met with counterparts in U.S. government and experts in emergency management to discuss issues of mutual concerns.

2016年9月, 国务院办公厅应急办公室一行22位代表,应美国美中交流协会的邀请,来到美国旧金山湾区和华盛顿进行了为期三周的培训参访。 在美国美中协会的安排下, 代表团访问了美国从联邦到地方的应急管理机构,和学界业界专家面对面交流,全方位深入地了解了美国应急系统与实践操作。

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U.S.- China Exchange Council

29300 Kohoutek Way, Suite 180

Union City, CA 94587


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